"I went from beginner writer with no audience to 51,200 followers, 5,176+ newsletter subscribers, and a 6 figure online business within a year. I can safely say it’s been my greatest investment.” — Parker Worth

Attract an audience of raving fans using the High Impact Writing System... even if you're not an expert writer

Join over 1,850+ entrepreneurs scaling their online presence today

An audience is a cheat code for growing your business. But do you know what the problem is?Everyone wants one.Even my kid cousins are trying to be ‘influencers’ and land brand deals.It’s madness. And it's only getting harder for you to rise above the noise as generic content floods the market.You know the stuff. The crap that lacks any depth or substance. AI-generated swill with no thought behind it.If you want to set yourself apart and get your ideas heard in 2024 and beyond, one thing is certain:You can't afford to play the same game as everyone else.Give me 5 minutes, I'll explain a smarter approach.

Dan Koe

"I met Kieran when he first started online and trust me, he’s now on the cutting edge of modern writing.Forget your English classes and sign up for this course instead if you want to acquire a practical, evergreen, and monetizable skill."

George Ten

Justin Welsh

"I recommend his course inside one of my own because when it comes to writing, Kieran knows what he's talking about."

Eddy Quan

"If I wanted a large and monetizable following without any previous writing or audience building experience, this is the system I would follow."

Erica Schneider

"Kieran is too good at breaking complex topics down into easy to understand nuggets. I love how he takes his experiences and backs them up with data. High Impact Writing is a fantastic course."

Get Paid Writing

"Kieran's course is crammed full of timeless principles for clear and effective online communication and will save you years of floundering. I highly recommend it."

Let's talk about the great online opportunity

So look.The internet is crowded. Content is competitive. Social media is saturated.Pessimists will proclaim you’re too late—the window of opportunity has slammed shut.But that’s a load of rubbish. Things have never been better.Today, you can reach almost anyone in any niche. You have hundreds of platforms at your fingertips. And monetization methods are so accessible and powerful that making six or seven figures through content alone is no longer a surprising statistic.I don't know about you, but I bet attracting an audience today is like buying Apple Stock 20 years ago—a little risky now, but a no brainer in retrospect.

Except with an audience, there’s no real risk except your time

There're many ways you can attract an audience. But the most exciting and effective is to write.Why?Two reasons.First, writing is the backbone of the internet.From emails to social media to YouTube to product pages like this—when you can write, you can command attention and action like no other method of communication.Second, few people write, but smart people will always read.This means the calibre of customers you attract with writing is much higher. And the level of competition for their attention much lower.There's a clear blueprint to turn your ideas into income, too:

  1. Attract an audience around your skills and interests

  2. Identify core problems that you can solve

  3. Build solutions and sell them at scale

  4. Drive attention through content

  5. Rinse and repeat

Whoever you are and whatever you do—an audience earned through writing is like steroids for your results.

But this is stopping you from turning attention into something worthwhile

The plan above is simple but not easy.Although the hard part isn't what you'd expect.It's not building products or services or getting people to buy your stuff.It's what happens before:Earning your audience's trust.Because with so much crap online, the default state of your potential audience is now scepticism.If you can't break that barrier, you'll waste years banging your head against a ceiling of low sales and average results whilst the 'lucky' few smash through to the other side.Most people haven't realised that it's not about creating content anymore.It's about creating connection.And I can show you how to do this better than anyone in the writing space.To explain, let me introduce myself.

Chris Orzechowski

7-figure E-com Founder

"After 10 years in the game, I still learn something new from Kieran each week."

Matthew Brown

Multi-six figure ghostwriter for fractional CFOs

"I’ve invested in 10+ courses, but learning from Kieran has been the best accelerant for my career."

John Bejakovic

Direct Marketer

"I always read Kieran's stuff because he teaches me how to communicate better and connect with my audience."

How I went from burned-out dentist to building a $500k/year online writing business in under 3 years

If you don’t know me, I’m Kieran.Four years ago, I used to drill teeth for a living (sorry).The job had its perks. Good pay, high status, proud parents. Everything we're told will make us happy.

On the surface things looked good, but deep down, I was burned out and miserable.I wanted a creative career—one where you earn with your mind and not your time. One that gives you full control of your diary, location, and direction.But I'd invested a decade and 6 figures learning a skill with limited online opportunities.I felt trapped....Until a friend sent me Naval Ravikant’s podcast.

If you don’t know Naval, he explains how the internet lets individual brands build highly profitable businesses.As you might imagine, my ears perked up.His advice for starting online is to pursue your curiosity. I thought making people laugh (instead of cry as a dentist) would be brilliant, so I started practising stand-up comedy.Turns out, my jokes were awful.But every morning I sat to write was bliss.Time would fly by as I tapped away at the keyboard with nothing but the computer screen's soft glow for company.So I decided to be a writer, and started sharing my ideas online.

But this mistake cost me a year of progress

I loved writing. But apparently, people didn’t love reading.After a gruelling year, I still hadn’t crossed 1,000 followers.I bought every course and cohort from popular creators, copying their tactics but not collecting their results.I was resigning to the fact that writing wasn't going to happen—telling myself to be 'more realistic'.But everything changed when I shared a personal story on August 21st, 2021.The post had been gathering dust in my drafts for months. I never shared it because I didn't think people would care (and if I'm honest, I find being vulnerable uncomfortable).But my girlfriend Jena convinced me to hit publish.That night, I headed to bed with no clue what would happen.

The post went nuts

I woke in the morning to her telling me to check Twitter. I flicked open my phone and couldn’t believe my eyes:I had 2000 new followers and a ridiculous amount of impressions. I was bouncing all day at work—nothing feels as good as that first hit of virality.But it wasn't going viral that was important (although it was greatly appreciated!).It was what I discovered in my DMs.

What really grows your online business

Hundreds of people reached out to say how my ideas had impacted them.It was crazy—I'd been giving this advice for a year anyway!But now people were reading.And not just a quick glance and a like either.They were telling me things about themselves I never expected to hear, opening up about their doubts and fears and sharing their stories and struggles.Some of the conversations continued for months (several are now my close friends).I realised the painful truth:The hundreds of hours I wasted posting crap was 100x less effective than one story—not all content is created equal.

The aim is to build trust and not just traffic

That month, I changed my approach. I had one aim:To build relationships at scale.Because writing is like having a 1-1 conversation with thousands of people.You don't want to sound like a robot or guru. You want to sound real. You want people to relate. You want them to look forward to hearing from you. And you want your reader to feel like you're speaking to them, not the crowd.So I started sharing what I was doing, thinking, and learning—writing with a specific person in mind.Now, there was no crazy overnight transformation.Hell, I don’t think I went viral again for 4 months.But that didn’t matter.Because the results began speaking for themselves.I got noticed by my favourite writers.

George Ten DM

I was invited to speak on some of my favourite podcasts.


Most importantly, I was building one of the most engaged audiences in our space—despite not being a ‘pro’ writer or any expertise.

Soon, other entrepreneurs asked if I could help them write.And boy did I feel like a fraud.I told them I couldn't teach this stuff. I was figuring it out too.But I started helping friends for free to see what would happen. They loved it. Not only did their audiences respond better, but they also enjoyed writing more knowing that they didn't have to 'sell out' to grow their business.I was onto something.I packaged up my 'connection-first' writing methods into a system and began coaching more seriously, quitting my 9-5 to go all in online.Since then, I’m grateful to say I’ve worked directly with over 69 clients and sold over 2,800 digital products—all around one idea:

How to create content that truly connects with your audience

Because the irony of the internet is that we've never been more connected yet starved of real connection.This means if you can reach your reader on a deeper level than most, you're going to have a great time online—because people want to bond with their favourite creators.If you can turn your followers into fans, you can launch your products, services, podcasts, newsletters, or whatever the hell excites you and your audience will be excited too.Based on my experience, it's an incredibly fulfilling and rewarding way to build.

But note:I can’t, and won't, promise the same results.Anyone who tries to sell you a direct replication of their wins is lying to get rich.I won't pretend it's an easy path ahead. A lot of work goes into success—especially building a reputation (which is one of the only things that can't be hacked online).But here’s what I can promise:If you're willing to put some effort into writing, I can give you a blueprint that is guaranteed to help you connect with your audience through content.But don’t just take my word.Here’s what a few of my clients have to say:

Ole Lehman

"I started Kieran’s coaching at my lowest point. A couple of months later, my life changed. I now have over 140,000 followers and have made over $450,000 through two digital products. I know I will look back at this in 10 years and see it as a massive in flection point."

Jeremy Singh

"The results have been insane. I’ve built an audience of 57,000 people and a 3,000-subscriber newsletter. My posts have gone viral dozens of times. Now I’ve begun to build a community around my passion. He’s helped me wrap my content in storytelling and personality. For writing, Kieran is your man."

Jasper Polak

"My primary school teacher said I had the creativity of a strawberry (true story). Thanks to High Impact Writing, I now have 70,000 online fans and a thriving consulting business. Can’t recommend it enough if you’re an entrepreneur looking to scale your ideas online."

Ollie Emberson

"Kieran has helped me be a better creator and business owner in several ways. My content started performing MUCH better after using his systems. Without him, I wouldn’t have 11,000 followers, and I'm now hitting consistent $20k/months."


"When I started working with Kieran, I was stuck in a corporate sales role and struggling with my niche and direction. He helped me understand how to communicate online and was instrumental in me building a thriving multi-six-figure coaching business."

Introducing the only social media writing course you'll ever need:

High Impact Writing

Why social media?Because every great opportunity is downstream from you making a great first impression.And writing is like a magnet—to attract attention, you must go where it flows.That's how I'd like to help—by giving you a system that gets you noticed by the right people for the right reasons.Unlike 'audience-building' courses, High Impact Writing equips you with a timeless skill of clear and concise communication so you can build your relationships and reputation.And look, I hate products full of filler to justify a ridiculous price tag.So this is the opposite.It's a high quality video course where most lessons are less than 5 minutes, with zero wasted words.But if you’re like me and prefer to read, there’s a fully written version, too.What's more, it’s entirely self-paced, so you can take it one weekend and get cracking immediately.And you get easy-to-follow frameworks for everything inside, plus hundreds of examples and templates from a wide range of industries.This includes posts from High Impact Writing clients, so you can be sure this stuff works.Here's a quick video showing you around:

Let's run through the modules.

Module 1
Say goodbye to niche problems

Positioning, niching, whatever you want to call it. I’ll show you the fastest way to decide what to write about and how to set yourself apart in just three simple steps.A few things we’ll cover:

  • Using ‘The Tinder Test’ to quickly stand out from the crowd

  • Find the sweet spot between what you’re passionate about, good at, and what the world wants to see (no, this is not an ikigai)

  • The ‘One True Fan’ method for making sure every word you write connects deeply with your audience

  • How to make ChatGPT do 100s of hours of research in a few minutes (with simple fill-in-the-blank prompts to generate 100s of content ideas too)

Module 2
Turn your writing into a persuasive powerhouse in just 26 minutes.

To sell your products, services, and ideas you must understand copywriting. But you don’t need to spend thousands of hours or dollars to learn it like I did. This module condenses everything you need to know into one simple framework.A small taste:

  • The ‘trigger words’ you can sneak into your writing that transform readers from lukewarm followers to raving fans

  • A simple checklist that will instantly make your writing more magnetic, persuasive, and enjoyable to read

  • 4 easy ways to make your content ooze with curiosity (keep your audience glued to the screen)

Module 3
Package your thoughts into snappy short-form content

Short form is excellent for building relationships fast. But there’s an art to compressing your ideas—one I've spent years practising and teaching.A few things inside:

  • How to use the '3 pillars of magnetic writing' to make your content irresistible

  • The Sticky Statement Toolkit for creating hard-hitting ideas your audience will never forget

  • The Microstory Method for sharing stories every single day (even if you think you have none to share—trust me, you do)

  • 3 simple prompts to unlock your personality so you reach more fans

  • How to use social media to land more clients, product sales, and grow your newsletter (I haven't sent a single sales DM in 4 years, and these strategies have helped me grow a 32,000 reader newsletter almost entirely for free)

Module 4
Create long form that leaves your readers hungry for more

Most people spend countless hours writing posts that disappear into the void. I’ve been there—it sucks. It’s also entirely avoidable, and this module shows you how.Some things you’ll learn:

  • A simple 3-step approach to writing long-form as fast as possible (without impacting the quality)

  • My easy-to-follow system for transforming weak hooks into absolute scroll stoppers

  • The only 4 long-form formats you need to build an incredible bond with your audience

  • How to create high-authority content without boring your readers to death

I guarantee High Impact Writing is the simplest follow-along writing course you’ll take, and it’ll help you connect with more people than ever before.But it's not just writing I cover.You know as well as I do the last thing you want is to spend all day on social media (I can't stand the thought of writing 200 comments per day to grow).So I also include bonus material on how to cut content time to a minimum, strategies for fast growth (even if starting from zero), methods for redistributing your ideas, and much more.I’ll tell you about the bonuses in a moment.But first, let’s talk about how you can grab the course (and here're a few more words from recent customers).

If I were to teach you 1-1, it would take three to four hours, and my coaching rate is now $1,000/hour (which is wild since I started at $50!).But I built High Impact Writing because I dislike how limiting coaching can be.I genuinely believe writing is the best skill you can learn, and the internet is one of the most exciting opportunities we’ve ever had.It's my personal mission to help as many people take advantage of both.Which is why you can grab the course for a steal—but on one condition.As you implement the ideas, I want you to write to me with your story.Your wins are my fuel. But digital products don’t give me as much access to you as I’d like.So it would mean the world if you'd keep in contact.If that sounds like a deal, you can get access to all of the material for just $397.That includes all future updates, too.Because unlike a lot of courses, this isn’t a buy-it-once and goodbye thing.I’m always looking for better ways to connect with my audience. And I don’t keep what I find secret.In fact, I recently redid the entire course and gave it to all existing customers for free—you can expect a similar level of care if you decide to invest.You have two choices:You can grab the self-paced course. Or if you'd prefer closer support, pick up a consulting call where we deep dive into your brand, business, and direction and create a tailor-made plan of your approach (this option is available later if you’re unsure).

High Impact Writing

$397 USD

Full course

All bonuses (see below)

No calls

High Impact Coaching

$1397 USD

Full course

All bonuses (see below)

One 60 minute 1:1 call

Just click one of the buttons above to get started.After providing your name and payment details, you’ll get access to the material and can crack on immediately (clients have rated the first module 9.3/10 so you can be sure it's high quality from the get go).Let's run through these bonuses.


Social media growth made simple

Every one of my clients wants two things: faster growth in less time. This bonus course gives you the strategies for both.Inside:

  • How to pick the right platform for your business with 3 simple questions

  • Simple tricks to transform your profile into a conversion magnet to 2x, 5x, or even 10x your growth

  • A blueprint for landing your first 1,000 followers as fast as possible without paying for engagement or spending all day being a ‘reply guy’

  • My must-use method for getting followed by popular accounts much faster

  • A ‘rapid growth’ copywriting trick that shows you why some accounts blow up (and how you can do the same)

  • The strategies behind growing on 𝕏 and LinkedIn in 2024… including a masterclass interview with LinkedIn star Lara Acosta


How to get 10-100x the result from every word you write

With the right systems, you can create a massive impact without a massive team. The secret is making your words work for you.Inside:

  • A simple 4-step data-driven growth system for crafting high quality ideas fast (and growing even faster)

  • The sniper-shotgun technique for transforming one great post into ten more with almost next-to-no effort

  • The Pillar Piece process for creating an evergreen body of content (this is how you get off the treadmill)

  • How to expand your presence across social media platforms simultaneously without spreading too thin or spending your life on social


The Writer's Handbook

The Writer’s Handbook is the perfect companion for your content journey, being jam-packed with resources to help you write.Inside:

  • ‘The High Impact Content Cheatsheet’ with follow-along checklists for every step of the writing process, including short form, long form, hooks, first drafts, and editing

  • The 3 Pillars of Magnetic Writing Prompt Collection with over 264 templates and prompts you can effortlessly tap into whenever you need

  • 101 video content critiques of my clients’ work to show you the simplest ways to make your writing more persuasive


How to build a high output, high creativity writing routine

I'm a firm believer that the writer and entrepreneur with the best routine, wins. Especially on a longer timeframe. This course shares everything I know about removing chaos from your process.You’ll learn:

  • A routine 'hack' to get faster and better results (you will never go back to the normal way of doing things after this)

  • The secret behind unlocking much deeper levels of creativity and focus

  • My favourite 6 tweaks to improve your process (I show you how to remove as much friction as possible so you have more energy where it counts)

  • How to tap into the magic of standard operating procedures

All of the bonuses are high-quality video courses too, so I promise you’re going to love every second we spend together.But if for any reason you feel otherwise…Or the material doesn’t deliver exactly what I promise…Or if you just decide you don’t like my croaky British voice…You can send it back within 90 days, and I’ll refund the full investment—no questions asked.But I'm confident you’ll be delighted.I know this because almost 2,000 people already are, and your results are my priority.

You’re still reading, which tells me three things.First, you care about your success. You're not gonna spend this long reading otherwise. Second, you’re intrigued by what I’m saying. You want to write for some, or all, of the reasons I’ve suggested.But you’re also sceptical — which I understand.I’ve been burned by my fair share of crap creators, too.I’m hoping you can see this is the real deal, so I won’t say much else. If it’s not the right time, no problem.But if you're not sure, I'll wrap up with this:You have nothing to lose.Writing is bloody amazing.Aside from communicating better, you think clearer and it's massively fulfilling (although it can be a little frustrating, too).And I’ll be honest.You can learn to write without this course.I did.But I also had to wade through so much bad and conflicting advice about how to write that I wasted tonnes of energy on unimportant stuff.I wish I had a clear blueprint to execute when I started—a direction to focus my efforts.That’s why I built this course. It’s a step-by-step guide for Kieran Drew Circa 12-24 months ago. If you care about reaching people online and building a stellar reputation, I guarantee you won't find better material.And like I said, if in the unlikely reason you disagree, I'll ping your investment back.So, if you decide to join, amazing. I look forward to our next steps. But if not, no worries. I appreciate your attention.Cheers,Kieran

You got questions? I got answers

I like an inquisitive reader! So I’ve gathered the questions I’ve been asked most. If these don’t cover your questions, email me at kieran@kierandrew.com instead.

I’m crazy busy.How much time do I need for this?

You can take the course in one weekend — hell, one evening if you want to overdose on Kieran Drew. Of course, it takes time to attract an audience. But when I got started, I worked 50-60 hours a week as a dentist, so I know what it’s like to be busy. You can be sure I only teach what’s most important.

Is High Impact Writing for social media only?

Whilst the focus is on social, I’ve used the writing principles to build a 30k newsletter, plus stuff like this page and my products. Writing concepts are universal, especially around creating relationships. I wouldn’t buy this course if you have zero interest in social media growth. But if you want to improve your writing overall, and social is part of the plan, I would.

Do I need previous writing experience?

Of course, if you’re already a good writer, you’ll find this easier. But I’ll be honest. Many of my clients come from academic writing, and they’ve had to unlearn a few things to write for the internet (the same as me). I’ve made the course perfect for starting at square one but also good for those a few steps ahead.

Do you teach me how to create video content?

I leave that for the ‘gram influencers. All jokes aside, I don’t talk about video content for social media because I’ve never made it — so far, my entire business growth has been writing-based. But it’s remarkably easy to create video content when you have hundreds or thousands of ideas to read out. You’ll also speak 10x more concisely than most people waffling online. Writing does that to you.

I don’t have any interesting ideas, a powerful personal story, or much of a personality.Do I stand a chance?

Honestly, no one cared about a disgruntled dentist, either. Much of being interesting is a result of getting results. I show you how to document your journey better than anyone else out there.

I’ve yet to make money online.Will this course help?

I don’t cover business-specific stuff like building offers in the core course. Writing is my expertise. You’re better off deep-diving into Alex Hormozi’s content if this is your primary problem.But for business, organic traffic is king. It’s why every company is investing so heavily into brand. From lesson one, we focus on earning trust and traffic correctly. So if you have an offer, this will be great for you. If not, the audience-first approach is an exciting way to begin one, too.

What makes this different from other audience-building courses?

I get it — another creator selling how to be a creator. We’ve seen it all before. Hell, I’ve bought ‘em all before. But you know the problem with most audience-building courses? They teach you stuff that worked for them without realising it’s not replicable. It's just tactics and hacks that quickly become outdated, turning you into a cheap copycat always stuck two steps behind.High Impact Writing is about skill-building. It’s about trust building. It’s about playing long-term games. Algorithms constantly change but guess what doesn’t? People. And people will always love good writing.

I’m massively confused about my niche. I’ve bought other courses and they don’t help.Will this leave me confused?

I’ve been there. I spent more time wrestling with my niche during my first year of writing than talking to my girlfriend. Most advice out there is overcomplicated and confusing. I’ve made sure mine is the simplest out there.

I have other questions.Can you help?

Sure.Reach out on any social media platform you can find me on (which, by the way, is not TikTok).Or just email me at kieran@kierandrew.com, and I’ll reply personally as soon as possible, usually within a few days.

© Kieran Drew 2024